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Top 5 Viral Videos Of January 2011 According To TIME

2011 started out with a bang for the wild world of viral video. Within a matter of weeks we saw the rise (andsubsequent fall) of Ted Williams, the homeless man with a golden voice; we saw a hilarious texting accident turn into a potential lawsuit; we’ve seen adorable kidscute pets; and some videos that are just plain weird. has just released their picks for the top 5 viral videos of January 2011. Which videos made the cut? Find out in the video below.
I think TIME did a great job of narrowing all the great videos from January 2011 down to five. I think I would have gone with most of the same, although I may have swapped out the Flash Mob Wedding video (which only had about 400,000 views over the course of January) with Pale kid raps fast – a video that only had 443,000 views when we covered it just two weeks ago and now has over 5.6 million.
If you haven’t seen all five of TIME’s picks in their entirety you can check out all five videos below. Do you agree with their selection? If not, which videos would you have included in the best viral videos of January 2011?


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